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Life After Death

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Jesus is alive and still speaks to people today just as He did when he was with His disciples on the earth. In this site, you will hear and read experiences that people have with Jesus, Hell, or God's eternal kingdom in heaven; whether by vision, dream, or spiritual visitation.

Questions or Comments?
Translators are needed for every language possible!! If you are willing to translate any of these testimonies or pages on this site, email me!
Contact information:
E-Mail: Please make sure to talk about your questions on the subject line to prevent deletion.
Phone: 1(817)560-4034 Leave a message and I'll return your call. --Alfredo


Rev. Elwood Scott

Paradise, the Holy City and the Glory of the Throne

Near the turn of the 20th century, God gave Seneca Sodi the glorious experience of spending forty days in Heaven. This book will challenge your life and give you hope and encouragement to set aside all hindrances and press on into the glory of God. As he relates his experiences to Elwood Scott, you will feel as though you are right with him, seeing the many different scenes of the Celestial Kingdom, escorted by King David. You will wonder at the glory and immensity of what God has prepared for us. Your heart will he stirred at the description of the Holy Convocation around the Throne as Jesus speaks an end-time message of preparation for His coming. Your mind and heart will be enlarged as you look into a world beyond the veil and knowing that it will be worth it all!
PDF file

Carmelo Brenes

Rescued from Hell

Carmelo, a hispanic pastor and evangelist found himself in the shock of his life when he died suddenly and found himself in hell. Carmelo begged for mercy in hell and God told him that the reason he deserved hell is because he was a proud and vain person. God had used Carmelo a lot in the ministry but he started thinking that he was someone special in God's Kingdom. This terrifying tour of hell serves as a reminder to all followers of Jesus that they must continue to seek God with all of their hearts and not take God's grace for granted!
PDF file
Rich Text File
Rich Text File (Spanish)

Victoria Nehale

A Friendly Reminder:

Victoria Nehale's testimony of her many visitations by Jesus Christ; giving the world another warning of His soon coming. Jesus reveals to her that there are many sins that people consider small, but they are still sins that can send you to hell. Let us decide to follow Jesus regardless of the cost!!!
PDF file

Daryl Turner

The City of Woe

Daryl Turner, a preacher, describes the experience of a young man who died and went to hell. In this graphic depiction of torments, you see specifically the rewards for sin. Please share this audio with people who don't know Jesus.
9.18 MB WMA audio file

Mickey Robinson

Falling to Heaven

After surviving severe burns resulting from an airplane crash while skydiving, Mickey Robinson had a "Death's Door" experience and spiritual rebirth that radically changed his life. During the long period of time required to recover, he not only received several miraculous healings, but also struggled with finding his purpose in life.
Google Video
Google Video
Audio File

Rogelio Mills

While Out of My Body I Saw God, Hell, and the Living Dead

Dr. Rogelio (Roger) Mills, a modern prophet of God, describes several of his experiences where he was taken from his body to experience a place where few have lived to describe about; the Outer Darkness of Hell known as Tartarus. He describes in vivid detail many of the horrible torments that occur to people who teach the Good News of Jesus Christ but do not follow Him. This book is an excellent read and I highly recommend it.
PDF file

Boris Pilipchuck

Police Officer Resurrected

Boris, an internal affairs officer in the Ukraine, describes his experience in heaven after suffering a severe brain hemmorage. He explains the beauties of heaven in a very simple way. God miraculously raises him from the dead so that he can tell others about this wonderful place prepared for those who truly fear God.
PDF file

Queen Dixon

A Gate to Hell

Queen, living a "half holy" life before God, was given a rude awakening when she took an afternoon nap. God opens up a gate of hell to Queen and shows her what is in store for those who profess Christianity but do not live it.
HTML Page or MS WORD Doc
PDF file in Japanese
PDF file or MS Word in Swedish

Sue Peterson

I Was In Heaven

Sue Peterson, after dedicating her life completely to the lordship of Jesus Christ, left her body and was given the privilege of seeing the great mansions of heaven. She speaks about the great importance of speaking in tongues and describes the fact that there are various mansions already established like the Mansion of the Patriarchs and the Mansion of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
11.6 MB audio file

Jannet B. Canela

8 Year Old Puerto Rican Girl Encounters Jesus Christ

This young girl, while at a church service, was touched by the power of God and given the opportunity to visit heaven. She was able to see the rewards of the righteous, the coming rapture and tribulation period, and the horrors of hell.
PDF file
Bahasa Malaysian MS Word Doc
Dutch MS Word Doc
12 MB MP3 Audio File
18 MB MP3 Spanish Audio File

Tyrone Williams

I went to hell

This is a "True Life after Death Story" of an individual who lost his right arm in a car accident then flat-lined. Watch and listen Tyrone tell his own experience while in hell. This man describes his experience with such a tender demeanor that you just naturally want to hear his whole story. He genuinely cares for people.
Google Videos file
15 MB MP3 Audio File
32 MB WMV Video File


Intra Muros

Rebecca Springer lived in the early 1800's to the early 1900's and had a wonderful experience in heaven when she became ill and left her body. She explains many of her encounters with the redeemed and Jesus himself. Read and be encouraged about the glories that await those who live for Jesus Christ!
PDF file

The Reality of Life After Death

A Sobering Truth

This is only a one minute video clip but clearly identifies a subject that we neglect to meditate on often. People all around us are lost and if they die without Jesus, they go to Hell. Please send this video link to as many as God convicts you to do.
Google Videos file

Seven Columbian Youth

Trip to Hell and Heaven

This is a frightening testimony of 7 Columbian young people who all were taken into Hell at the same time. The descriptive storytelling only gives a glimpse of how horrible the suffering is for those who are lost without Jesus. These youth were also given the great privilege of entering heaven to see how much God loves us and desires to bless us if we simply choose Him!
(Thanks to Claudia for the english translation!)

Youtube Video


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Listen to hell testimony audio translation
Read hell testimony HTML web page translation
Read heaven testimony rich text translation
Read heaven testimony MS Word translation
Listen to heaven testimony audio translation
Read heaven testimony HTML web page translation
Read heaven testimony PDF translation

Jesus is coming sooner than you think! He desires to live with you forever in heaven. I hope these videos encourage you.

From Muhammed to Isa

Conversion of a radical muslim

From Islam to Christ. Khalil, a radical Egyptian terrorist changed from a murderous "Saul" to a forgiving "Paul" after Jesus Christ visited him in a soul-penetrating dream. This hater of both Christians and Jews set out to discredit the Bible, but instead, he was transformed when Jesus appeared to him and changed his heart. Please use this to minister to anyone who you know is a Muslim!!!
Google Video
100 MB Video
27 MB audio file

Henry Gruver

Six Hours In Heaven

Henry Gruver, a solid prophet of God, tells about his 6 hour experience in Heaven. He goes into detail about some things like the righteous robes of a saint, the streets of gold, and the music in Heaven.
Download Right Click Save As
100 MB audio file
13MB Real Audio Stream

Ricardo Cid

Eight Hours In Heaven

Ricardo Cid, an evangelist from Chile preaches about his spiritual Journey to the second and third heavens. He describes a serious warning to the church: "Be holy as your Father in heaven is holy!"
Google Video
MS Word Doc
Rich Text File
PDF file

God's Wrath is Hell

The tortures of hell

This frightening video is just a tiny glimpse of some of the horrors of Hell. This video may not be good for children to watch. Please give God a chance to save you from such a horrible place.
44 MB WMV Video File

B.W. Melvin

A Land Unknown-- Hell's Dominion

Bryan was your average atheist living a life mocking the idea of God. He was given the surprise of his life when he died from drinking Cholera-contaminated water. He was given a tour of Hell in which he saw and heard many truths that he had denied in the scriptures. This book is a great tool to use for atheists because the Holy Spirit reveals the answers to a lot of questions that caused Bryan to doubt God's existance.
MS Word Doc

Download Audio Testimony 1 Large .ZIP file 70 MB total

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Download Audio Testimony 15 separate Files

Nigerian Muslim Rescued By Jesus

The Love of Jesus Impacts a Father and Son

This Fulani herdsman in Nigeria found the deep love and lordship of Jesus Christ through a series of remarkable dreams. Jesus’ appearance in those dreams altered the course of his life. Though his father tried to kill him in the wake of his conversion, he survived the various attempts on his life and eventually led his father to faith in Christ.
Google Video
139 MB WMV Video File
42 MB MP3 Audio File

Bishop Earthquake Kelley

The Mystery of Paradise

A remarkable near death experience where Bishop Kelley was shown heaven. He was also given a powerful warning to the Church and to America.
PDF | MS Word
English Interview with Perry Stone
PDF | MS Word
Indonesian Interview with Perry Stone
Czech Interview with Perry Stone

Daniel Ekechukwu

Raised from the Dead

Daniel, a pastor in Nigeria, died in a car accident and was taken to heaven and hell by two large angels. This testimony is important because it highlights the importance of forgiveness. Had God not given him mercy, Daniel would have had to stay in hell because he did not forgive his wife prior to death.
HTML Page (Spanish)
MS Word Doc (Bahasa Malaysian)

Angelic Encounters

Angels Caught on Audio and Video

Angels are all around us. Most of us don't ever have a direct physical experience with them, but they are a part of our everyday lives whether we recognize it or not. Listening to these audio files just makes me thankful for God's goodness!

Anna Rountree

The Priestly Bride and The Heavens Opened

These are pure revelations of Jesus Christ. They show Jesus in glorious ways that I have never considered, realms that I didn't know existed, tactics of our enemy and unspeakable marvels of our God. Find how to discover the secret of the hidden stairway into the heart of God!
Sample Audio
Sample Audio

Khosrow's Journey

Jesus Changes An Iranian Muslim's Life!

A young Iranian man, depressed and without hope, met Jesus Christ in a vision. The Savior extended His hand and invited him to take hold, promising that his "life would change forever." He took Jesus' hand and, as he describes it, "waves of electricity flowed through my body over and over again. I wept for the first time since I was a child and joy filled my heart."
Google Video
105 MB WMV Video File
42 MB MP3 Audio File

Richard Sigmund

A Place Called Heaven

Listen, as Richard discusses on Sid Roth's Interview sessions his experience in Heaven. He describes the book of life and many wonders that await all who trust in Jesus as Lord of their lives.
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Listen to the Interview Files

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Supernatural Encounters

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda are both ministers that work under the prophetic and miraculous giftings. Mahesh describes his experience in heaven briefly as he was still an unbeliever. Both he and Bonnie also talk about supernatural experiences they have each received in their lives.
Fast Connection Video 54 MB
Slow Connection Video 13 MB
Fast Connection Video 29 MB

Retha Mcpherson

There is always hope

Retha, a former Mrs South Africa winner, had a traumatic experience in her life when her son Aldo almost died in a car accident. After many months, God raised up Aldo and healed him. Aldo described that he was in heaven with Jesus while in a comatose state and explained that Jesus is coming sooner than we think.
33 MB audio file
HTML page
HTML page in Spanish
HTML page in Indonesian
HTML page
HTML page in Spanish
HTML page in Indonesian

A Jesus Encounter

Jesus Changes an Alcoholic Muslim

"Ali (Turkey) - This Turkish man in bondage to alcohol saw Jesus in a dream and his life was changed forever. Desperate, he moved to Saudi Arabia” a place where alcohol is forbidden. However, upon his arrival, he found liquor there. He then made the pilgrimage to Mecca, hoping to be freed of his addiction and to be led in the way of a true Muslim. To his surprise, he met Jesus Christ instead."
Google Video
139 MB WMV Video File
37 MB MP3 Audio File

Victoria Nasworthy

6 BIG BIG BIG Angels / Big Angels and Flaming Wild Horses

Victoria, a 4 1/2 year old child fell off of a pool slide. As she fell, an angel lifted her into the air and gently set her on the ground. However, during this moment in eternity, she was taken to the throne room of God. She was sent back and tells about her experience from the perspective of a child.
25 MB WMV Video File

Jesus Visions

Christine Darg

This book was written to show us an example of the many visions and dreams that people in the Middle East have been experiencing. Jesus is so merciful that He has been appearing to many people who have never heard the gospel before!

A Citizen in Hell

A song sung from a man in hell

A woman, named Elisabeth had a supernatural vision of a man burning in hell. By the power of the Holy Spirit, she recreates the song sung by that man who was burning in Hell.
28.2 MB audio file
25.3 MB audio file

Freddy Hayler

Heaven -- The Narrative

Freddy Hayler had a fantastic experience in Heaven with Jesus, the Father, and the hosts of saints in glory. He sings and dramatically tells of his experience in a unique way. You can totally hear his love for God in his voice.
Support Freddy Hayler at
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Listen to his interview with Sid Roth
5 MP3 Interview Files
Read a sample of his book in PDF format
Read a sample of his book in PDF format

Jennifer Perez

Hell is Real, I Know, I went there!

Jennifer Perez, a 15 year old girl, is taken to Hell after dying and being judged by God as a backslidden Christian. God had mercy on her and called her back to witness what she saw.
Download Spanish and English version in one 23 MB Zip file.
Download MP3 Audio in Polish.
Google Video


Read testimony MS Word translation
Read testimony PDF translation
Read testimony HTML web page translation

Roland Buck

The Man Who Talked With Angels
Angels on Assignment

Roland Buck, an Assembly of God pastor, is visited by the angels Michael, Gabriel, and Chrioni at his home. These angels proceed to expound the heart of God for the lost and many hidden spiritual truths found in the Holy Bible.
PDF file
PDF file Czech
PDF file Bulgarian
PDF file Romanian
MS Word Doc
Read the Sequel PDF file

Bill Wiese

23 Minutes in Hell

An incredible Testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell. Bill was placed in Hell, not as a casual observer, but as someone who was not saved. He recounts all the horrid details with such precision that it captivates the listener from start to finish.
23 audio tracks zipped
23 audio tracks zipped
1 audio track 10 MB
Slow Connection Video 70 MB
Medium Connection Video 97MB
Fast Connection Video 170 MB
Video with complete references 140 MB



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Gary Wood

I died and went to Heaven

Dr Gary Wood died in a horrible car accident and went to Heaven. His sister prayed for him and he was raised from the dead. In these interview files, Gary talks about meeting his best friend who had died years earlier and about the glories of Heaven.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Right Click Save As
Download in Six Parts - MP3 Format

Aline Baxley

I Walked in Hell

Praise God for His mercy and goodness! A backslidden Christian ends up dying at the age of 40 and goes to Hell. Through the intercession of her mother and sister, God mercifully brings her back to life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read.
8.7 MB audio file
PDF file
MS Word Doc
PDF file in Czech
MS Word Doc (Spanish)

Ian McCormack

A Glimpse of Eternity

This man's experience with Jesus Christ after death is very moving. He had never been interested in God prior to this experience. After dying from an attack by a box jellyfish, he realized that Jesus had mercy on him because of his mother's prayers. This testimony shows the immense love God has for each person!
audio file 17MB
audio file 8MB
Recreation of testimony on video

Read testimony MS Word translation
Read testimony PDF translation
Read testimony HTML web page translation

Mary K. Baxter

A Divine Revelation of Hell

Hear the eyewitness testimony on the True Existence of Hell. Mary Katherine Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell. Jesus Christ appeared to Mary on 40 consecutive nights and took Mary on a tour of Hell and Heaven. She walked, with Jesus, through the horrors of Hell and talked with many people. Jesus showed her what happens to souls when they die and what happens to the unbelievers and Servants of God who do not obey their calling.
audio tracks zipped 46 MB
audio tracks zipped 44 MB

PDF file

Mary K. Baxter

A Divine Revelation of Heaven

Wonderful description of the many activities in heaven. After the period of visitations to Hell, Mary K. Baxter was given the priviledge to visit many parts of Heaven, seeing what it looks like in the spirit realm when someone is born again, the libraries of God, and many other wonders.
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Mary describes heaven in MP3 Audio
PDF file
MS Word Doc
Read the book in Swedish
Read the book in Spanish
Read the book in Indonesian
Read the book in Chinese

Howard O. Pittman


After living a very religious life, Howard died of an anneurism and was given a spiritual tour of the second heaven and shown the operations of demonic powers. As he went with his angel to the gates of Heaven, he was shocked by God's response to his life of service.
HTML page
Read the book in Spanish
10 MB audio file from voice synthesizer
audio file
audio file

Eyewitness to the Lake of Fire

The Thomas Welch Story

Thomas Welch, an ordinary mill worker in Oregon, fell 55 feet to his death while at work. He was then standing at the edge of the lake of fire and was given the mercy of coming back to life.
HTML file
MS Word Doc in Spanish

The Importance of Forgiveness

An Indonesian Muslim encounters Jesus

An Indonesian Muslim teenager let down by family, friends and society, became a Christian the night Jesus appeared to her in a vision. That special night was Lailatul Qadar when Muslims individualize their prayers to Allah. From the moment she saw Jesus, His peace filled her heart and stayed with her even as persecution began.
Youtube Video
147 MB WMV Video File
39 MB MP3 Audio File

Dr. Richard Eby

Taken to Hell

Dr. Richard Eby, known for his trip to Paradise after his death from a fall, describes another experience as Jesus takes him to hell for two minutes.
Video file

God's Cricket Chorus
This has nothing to do with spiritual encounters. However, it is amazing how God has created nature. An engineer mathematically slowed down the sound of crickets chirping at night. He slowed the sound to emulate what the sound would be like if it were extended through the lifetime of a human. Listen to the beautiful angelic sounds.
audio file

Dr. Richard Kent

Compilations of Near Death Experiences

Where do we go when we die? Are there really such places as Heaven and Hell? Within these books and videos are the testimonies of many individuals who have had near-death and after-death experiences. Heaven and Hell are described in great detail, as well as how to go to Heaven, and avoid Hell.
PDF file
Download the Lazarus Phenomenon Movie
3 WMV Video Files
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BJ McKelvie

A view of Hell

BJ, now an evangelist, describes his experience in hell after he died as a sinner.
audio file 8MB

Choo Thomas

Heaven is So Real!

Choo Thomas was given a tour of Heaven by Jesus Christ and also shown hell. She was given an important message to the Church. All Christians must hear this.
One audio file

Click on flag for Text Translation

Click on flag for Video Translation
Click on flag for Audio Translation

Dr. Maurice S. Rawlings

To Hell and Back: Documented Near Death Experiences

Dr. Rawlings was not a believer in Jesus Christ, but after seeing one of his patients panic after having died for a few seconds, he had a change of heart. Does Hell really exist? Find out by listening to some eye witnesses.
One 22 MB zipped audio file
One 208 MB video file
Czech video file
Google Video
Read the text

Bob Jones

Visions of Heaven, Hell, and the spirit realm

Bob Jones is a modern-day seer of the Lord. In these files, Bob gives us a peek into the many spiritual visions and experiences he has been blessed with through his life.
WMA audio file
WMA audio file
WMA audio file
WMA audio file

H.A. Baker

Visions of Heaven, Visions Beyond the Veil, and The Three Worlds

These three books can be considered one large volume of stories and elaborate details about visions and occurrences in the Heavenly Kingdom of God. H.A. Baker does an excellent job documenting the prophecies and stories of God's miraculous workings within a poor Chinese orphanage. H.A. Baker was the grandfather of the current Rolland Baker, husband of Heidi Baker and Co-Founder of IRIS ministries based in Africa.
PDF file
MS Word Doc
MS Word Doc in Czech
PDF file
Text file
MP3 audio file
PDF file
MS Word Doc

Visions of Heaven and Hell

I honestly do not believe that this book was written by John Bunyan. However, the testimony included does appear to be credible. It highlights the story of a man who almost committed suicide and an angel took him in the spirit to see both Heaven and Hell. In Heaven, he meets Elijah and listens to his explanation of the life in the Heavenly realms. In Hell, he meets several people who explain the torments of Hell.
PDF file
MS Word Doc

Sheri Glover

Officer Down!

written by John Menken

Sheri describes in this short story about her experience as she was on a routine police call and died unexpectedly. God had mercy on her and she's now faithfully serving Jesus with all she's got! This is a good story to print and pass out like a Gospel tract!
MS Word .doc file
Rich Text .rtf file

Meat for the maturing believer

Physical Descriptions of Jesus

There are many assumptions of what Jesus looked like on the earth. Regardless of what He looks like, He is still worthy of our praise and adoration. However, for your edification, there are three ancient texts that give a physical description of Jesus and his personality. These were all documented either during Jesus' lifetime or shortly afterwards.

John Bunyan

The Pilgrim's Progress

John Bunyan wrote this book as he was in prison for preaching the Gospel. It is an allegory of the trials and experiences that a true Christian will walk in as he/she matures. Reading this book will both really encourage you and also help you spiritually grow by seeing the victories and faults of the main characters in the story.
PDF file
zip file
zip file

Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ

The whole theme of the book written by a 13th century monk was that the way of the cross (dying to your own personal ambitions and the right to do as you please) is the royal road to God. This book is mostly a dialog between Thomas and Jesus in prayer. I consider this book to be a very important message to all believers.
MS Word Doc file
zip file (Computer Synthesized Voice)
Individual Audio Tracks
zip file (Human Voice)
PDF File

Rick Joyner

The Final Quest

Listen to the "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner, it is a true revelation from the Lord, which will result in significant spiritual growth. So many traps, pitfalls, deceptions, and foolish mistakes were revealed in this book. In fact, I won't consider someone a mature Christian unless they have learned these HARD lessons!
Download The Final Quest (The First Part of the Book)
MS Word Doc file
audio files (Computer Synthesized Voice)
audio file (Human Voice)
PDF File

I am including here two great teachings that I got from a conference where I heard Rick Joyner. He teaches on many principles, so I really don't have a title for them. However, these teachings are wonderful and encouraging!
Download audio teaching 1

Download audio teaching 2

WMA audio files

A.W. Tozer

The Pursuit of God

This book was written by a man who passionately loved Jesus. A.W Tozer was an avid reader of the Mystics and by reading his material, you can see he put to practice their teachings. The book brings onto paper a great roadmap to living a spirit-filled life.
PDF file
Text file

Watchman Nee

The Normal Christian Life

Watchman Nee was a wonderful example of a consistent and faithful believer in Jesus Christ. This book that he wrote, while in prison, expounds upon the book of Romans and is a wonderful book that teaches foundational truths.
PDF file

Solomon Benjamin Shaw

Dying Testimonies of Saved and Unsaved

In this most touching, and spiritually rewarding, book, Shaw records the dying scenes, and the last words, of both the saved and unsaved, both famous and unknown. You will see the tremendous difference between those who are Born Again and those who have refused salvation, as they approach the hour of their death.
PDF file
MS Word Doc

Dave Roberson

The Walk of the Spirit: The Walk of Power

This book addresses an issue that doesn't seem to get taught on very much anymore; the importance of speaking in tongues. I am not here to rank Christians based on their ability to speak in tongues. However, brother Dave teaches very important elements of the practice. He is teaching from his experience in over 30 years of ministry. His ministry was birthed after he made a decision to quit his job and just stay home and pray in tongues for as many hours a day as he worked. This man is such a humble brother of the Lord, and he attributes his disposition to the Holy Spirit's work in him as he has prayed in unknown tongues.
PDF file
MP3 audio file
MP3 audio file
MP3 audio file
MP3 audio file

Brother Lawrence

The Practice of the Presence of God

Although a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned the greatest secret of living in the Kingdom of God here on earth: communing with the Lord throughout our daily tasks. He mastered the art of living in the presence of God throughout the day. As he exclaimed, "I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, adoring him, and loving Him with all my heart."

Jose Muniz

Testimony and Exhortation

Brother Jose Muniz, is a mighty evangelist based out of Abilene, Texas. He has been a street preacher for over 20 years and has a firey passion to win souls and help others learn to witness on the streets. I know him personally and can vouch for his integrity as a man of God. Be encouraged as you watch him preach an anointed message about the importance of reading the word of god!
Download Right Click Save As
100 MB video file

Darin Hufford

Bob's Story

Darin Hufford is one of those few teachers who really teaches the principles of the word of God in such a simplistic way that your heart totally understands. I love this brother's heart and his desire to know the heart of God. I hope that you will be encouraged and challenged by the story of a mighty king in the spirit.
Download Right Click Save As
8.4 MB audio file

New Tribes Missions


For centuries, the Mouk people had a hard way of life. Their ways were dark and difficult to understand. No one knew how the Mouk tribe would respond to the Gospel, until some missionaries took it upon themselves to share the Good News with them. "EE-TAOW" is a powerful and dramatic documentary on the power of the Gospel, even among the Mouk people. You will be deeply moved beyond words..
Download Right Click Save As
14 MB wmv video file

Paul Washer

Shocking Video To Youth

Rarely, do you see a preacher tell the truth plainly to people in a church meeting. Meet Paul Washer, a modern missionary to many countries. In this message, he asks a simple question, "How do you know that you are saved?" The road and gate are both narrow. Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith! The second audio message is a wonderful teaching on how believers are loved by the Lord.
Download Right Click Save As
61 MB video file
Download Right Click Save As
7.31 MB audio file
11 MB audio file

Jorge Bogdan

Amazing Faith of 7 Ukranian Elders

Jorge, a humble pastor in the Ukraine, retells the story of the great faith of seven old Ukranian men. The story of these seven men will encourage you to believe for the impossible!
Google Videos video in Spanish with English translator

Soon Ok Lee

The Horrors of the North Korean Gulag

Although this is not a spiritual experience, it addresses a very important issue. There is much persecution that we are not aware of in the world. Precious brothers and sisters in Jesus are being tortured on this earth. Let us ask God how we can intercede for our brethren in chains!
31 MB MP3 audio file in Korean with English translator

"Sister Charlotte"

In the Dungeons of a Roman Catholic Convent

For twenty-two years, "Sister Charlotte" (she never revealed her true name in public) was a member of a Roman Catholic convent of nuns. From a very young age, she thought that this would be the best way to redeem her family from the torments of "purgatory". She graphically describes many of the terrible tortures and suffering she endured in the dungeons of her convent and how God mercifully rescued her from this life. Two years after publically revealing her experiences, she disappeared. I would recommend that children not listen to this.
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MP3 audio files
PDF file

Spiritual Testimonies

These are all visions or experiences in the spiritual realm that are not published in book form. Ask the Holy Spirit for direction in your reading.

HTML page
PDF file
PDF file
Former Buddhist comes back from Hell PDF FORMAT
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PDF file
PDF file
PDF file
PDF file
Mitt Jeffords - A Collection of Prophetic Visions
Freddy Ruano - My Glorious Resurrection
MS Word or Rich Text
Listen to Spanish Audio

Listen to English Audio

Listen to Spanish Audio
Bernarda Fernandez Translated in Polish Language
PDF file or MS Word
Bernarda Fernandez Translated in Indonesian Language
Thanks to Moses!
PDF file
Rev Samuel Doctorian Translated in Bahasa Malaysian
MS Word Doc file
Thanks to Ryan!
Thanks to Claudia!
MS Word Doc file in German
Peter Susemihl - Ich suchte das‚ Leben’
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                           Translation Services Language Company in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, ChineseGlobal Translation Services Language Company in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese
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