BibleForetoldHolocaust.comThe Third Reich murdered more than 6 million Jews. Holy Scripture foretold this would happen.
BlueHelmetsToJerusalem.comThe prophecies about Jerusalem have serious implications for our modern world. Complete book to download
or read online.
JerusalemVerses.comMany blame worldwide terror on the situation in and around Jerusalem. Long ago the Bible foretold a time
when the world would focus on that Holy City.
LeftBehindAnswered.comThe new LEFT BEHIND teachings answered from Scripture. Will unbelievers get a 7-year second chance after
the rapture? Not according to Luther and Calvin.
ProphecyTimeline.comProphecy was fulfilled by the Holocaust, by the restoration of Israel to the Promised Land, and by the end
of Gentile control over Jerusalem.
WhyBelieveBible.comTwo predictions can be used to prove the Bible reliable. The first is the prophecy that the gods of the Gentile
nations would be forgotten, in favor of the God of Abraham.
WW7.comWorld War 7, coming soon to a theater of operations near you - "The armies of heaven...will strike down the
nations."-Rev. 19:14-15 The Tribulation, the Antichrist and end-times events in the light of the Holocaust, the restoration
of Israel and the rise of radical Islam helps you answer Jehovah's Witnesses from the Bible Simple questions are answered automatically by Bible verses and discussions The Third Reich murdered more than 6 million Jews. Holy Scripture foretold this would happen. The prophecies about Jerusalem have serious implications for our modern world. Complete book
to download or read online. Complete books and booklets online refuting Jehovah's Witnesses, including How to get Jehovah'sWitnesses
to LISTEN and After Death - what? ...according to Jesus Many blame worldwide terror on the situation in and around Jerusalem. Long ago the Bible foretold
a time when the world would focus on that Holy City. The new LEFT BEHIND teachings answered from Scripture. Will unbelievers get a 7-year second
chance after the rapture? Not according to Luther and Calvin. Don't let so-called Jews turn you away from the living God! Don't let so-called Christians
turn you away from the Messiah! Prophecy was fulfilled by the Holocaust, by the restoration of Israel to the Promised Land,
and by the end of Gentile control over Jerusalem. Two predictions can be used to prove the Bible reliable. The first is the prophecy that the
gods of the Gentile nations would be forgotten, in favor of the God of Abraham. World War 7, coming soon to a theater of operations near you - "The armies of heaven...will
strike down the nations."-Rev. 19:14-15 The Creator wrote the DNA code that scientists and computer programmers are just beginning
to grasp
Apostasy Alert Amos 8:11 - "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord God, "That I will
send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord."
11th Hour Are these the end times? Are we seeing the fulfillments
of certain elements of prophecy? Will we soon see the prophetic Babylon? Is there a rapture of the church prior
to the time we know as the great tribulation? What about the great American empire? What is the true Christian religion?
Is there a place for true Religion in politics? When will the end come? Are we witnessing the end of the world? We
discuss these and other Issues facing the Believer today...
A Wilderness Voice
The Alpha-Omega Report
The Alpha-Omega Report: online magazine website devoted to Biblical
Prophecy Studies as well as Biblically prophetic news developments related to signficant prophetic fulfillment.
The website features numerous news articles
Ekklesia4Him A website exposing the greatest deception of all time and how its disastrous
influence has been embraced. Error has been allowed to run rampant and this has resulted in widespread, unrecognized apostasy.
America’s Last Days Unleavened Bread
Ministries End-Time Revelations for America & the World Hidden in Scriptures, Prophecies, Dreams
& Visions
Apostasy Watch My name is Steve Lumbley. I am a servant of the Most High God. This
website and the views expressed on it are mine. I represent no particular church, religious group or denomination. I serve
no man but the Lord Jesus Christ. I have no interest in drawing away disciples unto myself. I have no interest in starting
a church or religious group. My entire purpose in this is to point people to Jesus of Nazareth, the risen Savior.
Banner Ministries Banner Ministries deals with deception and apostasy
Beyond Protestantism With the conclusion of this age drawing to a climax, along with the inevitable
clashing of two kingdoms, the choice is being narrowed down to two spiritual cities ... Babylon or Jerusalem!! And you can
only be the citizen of one!
Biblical Prophecy Resource Center
The Fellowship of the Martyrs
Frontline Israel Many people don’t realize there is a remnant of faithful Jews
in the land of Israel that love the word of G-d and are willing to lay their lives down to glorify their father in Heaven.
The Last Trumpet If it really doesn't matter what we believe about the last days, why
did God devote such a large portion of His Word to end-time prophecy?
In The Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity Simply being a Christian does not automatically immunize us from deception.
Scripture's numerous warnings are meant to be heeded. If Christians couldn't be deceived, then the Holy Spirit would be wrong
about those who will "depart from the faith" (see 1 Timothy 4:1).
Sadly, this departure from the faith will be so great that the
Lord Jesus Christ asks us to consider whether He will actually find faith on the earth when He returns (see Luke 18:8).
Last Days World Watch News reporting service on the Middle East
The Manchild Ministry One of the most important rules of Bible study is doctrinal consistency—all
biblical texts must be mutually supportive. Tragically, Chris discovered that the majority of pastors simply mimic so-called
successful pastors whose pop theology contradicted this principal and, consequently, violated the Word of God . . . “God
will draw His real believers to Jesus Christ, and those sheep will hear his voice, not the voice of man but of God. They are
the ones that follow the lamb withersoever He goes.”
News With Views
Prophecy and Truth
News Watch » Keeping You Informed of World Events From A Biblical Perspective ...with
weekly prophecy-related news updates via e-mail.
The Prophetic Word Ministries International Current global news, an international perspective in prophetic events, and
endtime's issues
The Radical Pilgrim Getting back to the true root of Christianity. The root is
not the Church, nor Israel, nor koinonia, nor ekklesia, nor our culture or our ancestry, but Christ Jesus the Lord. Let every
replacement root be cut asunder that in all things He might have the preeminence.
Rock to Salt
His most recent production is a book: Who's Driving the Purpose
Driven Church?
Seek God This website is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry
focusing on Christian Articles to Encourage, and Research Articles to Warn about the Global Ecumenical Movement, (One World
TNN Online
A Bible Study & True Christianity There are many truths about how to become a Christian including the missing
parts the majority don't teach. If you don't read this you may be shocked in the coming day when Jesus returns. If you think
you are a Christian and have seen most of this before, make sure you at least read part B.
Voice of the Martyrs The Voice of the Martyrs is an interdenominational organization working with Christians around the world who are
being persecuted for their faith in Christ.
Walking with Jesus ministries We are servants commissioned in these
'Last Days' to re-align believers back to the centrality of the LORDSHIP of JESUS and away from the deception that is in the
Church today. To accomplish this goal we rely upon the Holy Spirit's apostolic, prophetic, and evangelistic giftings along
with the un-compromised WORD of GOD!
News Releases & News
TNN Online Topics exposited include: prophecy, eschatology, and current events (Tribnews);
doctrine and apologetics (Theonews); and the Hebrew roots of our faith
The Post-Tribulation Rapture
The End Time Pilgrim A
scripturally based devotional guide for passage into that climactic future drama, the final 7 years of this age. By Dr.
Gavin Finley
Last Days Mystery What the Bible reveals about the return of Christ and the Last Days. To proclaim the
Word regarding the Second Coming and to help the Church keep watch.
Tribber Board This Listing is for those who believe the Church will go through the Tribulation,
whether their view is 7th Trumpet Gathering, Post-Trib or Pre-Wrath.
Yesu Mulungi
The Second Coming Of Our Lord And
Savior Jesus Christ We are nearing the period of time the Bible calls the Great Tribulation,
and many Christians believe that just before this time of "Jacob's Trouble," our Lord Jesus Christ is going to return to earth
in the clouds to catch up His Church to Himself. But Scripture clearly says He returns "immediately after the tribulation
of those days" (Matthew 24:29). That day will be announced by the blowing of trumpets that will unleash fire upon the earth
in the fiery return of our Lord Jesus Christ when He throws the antichrist and false prophet into the lake of fire. The devil,
who deceived the nations and fostered the apostasy, will be thrown into the bottomless pit for 1000 years. This Web Page is
presented to give Christians insight into the return of Christ, who will not return prior to the Tribulation, nor in the middle
of it, but immediately after it.
The End
Times Christian (link currently down) We at Last Trump Ministries are convinced, after years
of study, that the end of this world and the rapture of the saints (the Church) are at the same time. Christ will return for
His bride. . . at the last trump . Also see I Thes. 4:16 & Matt. 24:21-31 . How many Christians today are preparing to
face martyrdom?
The Watchman's Post
Pre-Wrath Rapture sites
A Prophetic Outlook An aggressive challenge to the Doctrine of Imminence, and the pre-tribulatin
rapture. Also challenges commonly held traditions in evangelical Christianity.
Pre-Wrath Bible Prophecy What is the rapture? The Rapture refers to the sudden removal of God's
people from the Earth. In the twinkling of a eye (a second of time) born-again Christians will suddenly have their bodies
transformed and then they will rise up into the air to join Jesus. The phrase rapture (Greek translation of harpazo) means
to be caught up or taken away suddenly.
Anti666.Net Today is as it was in the days of Noah and the Ark. We are
being forewarned of a specific period of time for which to prepare. This period is to last 42 months, or three and a half
years. It will begin with an internationally enforced, subdermally embedded identification system which will be required for
all monetary transactions and will store each person's entire recorded history. This mark is biblically called 666 or the
mark of the beast. Rev 13.
This site explores the ramifications of 666 and
biblically proves that Jesus Christ's return will not be before, but at the end of the 42 month duration. Scripture describes
Jesus' return to earth as "The First Resurrection." According to 1 Thes 4:15-18, when Jesus returns he will first resurrect
his dead saints, then gather to him all Christians who are alive. In Rev 20:4-5, the dead saints in The First Resurrection
include those killed for refusing 666. If the dead are taken first, and they include those killed for refusing 666, then how
can the living be taken before 666 occurs? After looking at the Bible, it appears that the common teaching of "Pretribulation
Rapture" is contradictory to scripture.
Pre-Tribulation Rapture Sites
Messiah's Kingdom Description Pending...
the Great is Falling This web site is based on the testimony of a Vietnam veteran who became an atheist. It examines in detail the
prophecies relating to Babylon the Great. It provides conclusive evidence that America is the "Little Horn" of Daniel 7, the
"Beast out of Sea" in Revelation 13, and finally "Babylon the Great City" of Revelation 18. This site also identifies
the false doctrines that have corrupted Christendom in today's world, and calls out for readers to repent and return to the
foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ and his teachings.