Michael Savage's sit down talk about Radical Islam |
John Conner calls Michael Savage and asks him about the Bohemian Grove,
the Illuminati, and the September 11th inside job.
Michael Savage gets phone calls from John Conner about the Bohemian Grove
mock human sacrifice ritual. Surprisingly Savage asks is he could post any evidence! John plugs Infowars.com and tells Savage
to simply look it up on Google.
Michael Savage discusses Rosie O'Donnell's lunatic rants
http://www.eastcoastbob.com Michael Savage Nation Prank Call
Michael Savage shreds a typical liberal, woman caller
Watch Michael Savage refer to a caller as a "sodomite" and wish AIDS upon
him on his short-lived tv show.
Michael Savage on Israel, Bush, the internationalists and the Middle East
Michael Savage on the Anti-War Movement Part 2 of 2
When and if something horrible happens... Who do you blame?
Michael Savage quoting Cicero
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Michael Savage on the Path to 9/11 docu-drama and how liberals unveiled
their communists roots.
Michael Savage on what President Bush should say to the American people.
Savage should be Bushs's |
Michael Savage slams a Muslim caller for his lies.
Michael Savage on a judge's ruling to let a terrorist go.
Michael Savage on why Hollywood is failing. One of Michael's best.
Michael Savage in one of his best rants about the War on Terror
Michael Savage rants on phony liberals, weak western leaders and the Ford
Michael Savage on the 2008 Democratic Convention
Michael Savage on the anti-war movement. Part 1 of 2
Michael Savage telling it like it is on a lot of subjects
Michael Savage Talks About Carter - BinLadin Connection
Michael Savage reviews tv show's storyline for season 6.
Michael Savage watching the FA-18's take off and wondering why we haven't
use the fire power.
Michael Savabe on celebrity sluts and the weak western men of today.
Michael Savage on Hugo Chavez
Michael Savage on the lying liberals who trashed the docu-drama "The Path
to 9/11"
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Michael Savage on why filthy comedians have nothing on him
Michael Savage discusses the 2006 mid-term election results. He does it
in a way that only he can.
Savage Nation Correspondent tells it like it is on the Palestine Israel
Radio host Michael Savage again uses his media platform to attack LGBT people.
Host Keith Olbermann tells Michael Savage to "just come out of the closet." OH SNAP!
Michael Savage on the anti-war movement. Part 1 of 2
Michael Savage on why Hollywood is failing.
Dr. Chelser interviewed by Michael Savage. 6 minutes of her opinions on several
Islamic issues.
Savage's predictions for 2007.
Homophobic, bigoted right-wing commentator Michael Savage attacks a caller
during his live MSNBC show, wishing him to die of AIDS and other nasty things. Not suprisingly, Savage was fired soon after.
Michael Savage telling it like it is on a lot of subjects
Michael Savage blasts Rosie O'Donnell's crude behavior
Michael Savage tells it like it is
Ultra-conservative commentator Michael Savage attacks a caller during his
short-lived MSNBC series.
Short Michael Savage clip about the Utah Bosnian Muslim killer.
Michael Savage rips Clint Eastwood's Propaganda film
Michael Savage opens hour three on February 1, 2007. radioequalizer.blogspot.com
An excerpt from Michael Savage, on the day of 9/11/01. Listen to Savage
tell it like it is!!!!
370+ Stations Nationwide.
Poker player extraordinaire Michael Savage gives insight on the game with
this Friday Focus from KEVN.
Reported by Jack Caudill (02 Mar 2007), KEVN Black Hills FOX:
So exactly who is
playing in these tournaments? Jack Caudill has more... Poker
player extraordinaire Michael Savage gives insight on the game with this Friday Focus from KEVN.
Reported by Jack Caudill
(02 Mar 2007), KEVN Black Hills FOX:
So exactly who is playing in these tournaments? Jack Caudill has more... What
used to be a backroom kind of game has now shot to the forefront. You find poker on T-V all the time. We'll meet one local
player who's serious about the game in this week's Friday Focus... Deadwood's Michael Savage describes poker this way ...
a challenge of the minds ... about 80-percent skill ... and about 20-percent. He's been playing for about 30 years ... starting
when he was in the service ... and then got serious about it when he moved to Deadwood. And with that experience ... he says
he knows what it takes at tourney time. Savage says, "Patience, picking your spots. It's all about being able to shift gears.
Wait for your spot, then pounce." When he says pounce ... this no limit format makes that the way to go. So how does Savage
like to play the game? Paulson says, "I am very tight aggressive, I would call myself. I wait for the optimal time to get
my chips in. I'll usually have the best hand." This tournament has attracted players from Florida ... Georgia ... and New
York. But he says that doesn't give them an advantage of a guy from small little Deadwood... "It makes no difference at all.
My friend who walked by right now qualified two months ago, been in the card business a lot. I know a young lady in here,
been playing for years, is going for a championship." While he says he would love to do this for a living ... Savage says
that probably isn't too realistic. But he may not be able to play to eat ... he should at least be able to play for a long
time... "We play with 80 and 90 year olds every day. I guess til they can't get out of bed and get to the room."
A small uncensored sample of the NEW Howard Stern Show. This call was played
on old fashioned radio in 05 but it was censored. This call was also featured on the Michael Savage Show.
Crucial footage of one of Rock n rolls most important bands ever ...This
version of "Waiting for your love to fail!" is taken from the August 16, 1991 gig known in the South Bay as the 'Elvis" gig
at the Hermosa Saloon ...Features Greggie T Crucial footage
of one of Rock n rolls most important bands ever ...This version of "Waiting for your love to fail!" is taken from the August
16, 1991 gig known in the South Bay as the 'Elvis" gig at the Hermosa Saloon ...Features Greggie Tarpley and Clark 'the Shark'
Hagins as well as Rick Carmody ..in this classic three piece set up....www.thegreenhouseeffectrocks.com is where you can read
the now legendary bio ! www.michael savage.com is the accidental google that is driving G.E. Today...To the top of Fame !
This is the Greenhouse Effect ...straight outta Redondo Beach California....before the Seattle invasion ...and before Lollapalooza.....THERE
WAS G.E. !!! |
2/2 'Shanghai Lil' spoof featuring a host of british tv personalities. Sorry,
had to split into 2 parts.
Slide show with Michael Savage being overtaken by music while telling people
the danger America faces.
1/2 'Shanghai Lil' spoof featuring a host of british tv personalities. Sorry,
had to split into 2 parts.
Neal Boortz's thoughts on Michael Savage and Alex Jones
A special Interview from The Savage Nation.